What Is CrossFit?
CrossFit has taken the best of every sport and combined it to make one comprehensive fitness program. This is a fitness program designed for anyone starting at any level. This is a functional fitness program done in a group setting that incorporates 10 basic elements of fitness: agility, flexibility, balance, speed, power, accuracy, stamina, coordination, strength and cardio. THIS IS A FITNESS PROGRAM THAT WORKS!
Through a constantly varied combination of movements performed at high intensity, CrossFit is the best fitness program out there for building strength while burning fat. CrossFit is unlike anything you’ve ever tried before. CrossFit is the fitness methodology used by many police academies and tactical operations teams, military special operations units, champion martial artists, and hundreds of other elite and professional athletes worldwide. People from every walk of life are using CrossFit to get results. CrossFit is infinitely scalablewhich means it is appropriate for any age as well as any fitness level. Athletes of all levels, children, housewives, and grandparents will all follow the same program, but at their own level of intensity. The needs of our members differ by degree, not kind.
Come train in a group setting which means that every time you come to class you will receive certified CrossFit training, a warm-up, skill work, and a workout of the day (WOD). Your workout is then followed by a stretch and cool down.
We utilize the best movements from gymnastics, weightlifting and running to create a unique, intense workouts that are constantly varied. Some workouts are completed for time, others for maximum number of repetitions.
You are always guaranteed a challenging workout. Seriously!!!
- The best strength and conditioning program available.
- Scalable to anyone’s fitness level.
- Learn correct bodyweight exercises like air squat, lunges, pushups, and pullups.
- Learn basic gymnastics like ring work, handstands, tumbling, and jumps.
- Learn correct weightlifting like back & front squats, deadlifts and overhead presses.
- Learn Olympic weightlifting: the Clean & Jerk and don’t forget about the Snatch.
- Use kettlebells, barbells, dumbbells, wall balls and MORE.
check out this doc on the mainsite.
What is CrossFit? check this out